Entrepreneurship Program

Type of residency: Permanent

Those applicants who have the appropriate capital to start a business in Canada can apply for immigration to Canada through this provincial program. For this purpose, it is first necessary for the applicants to enter Canada with a work permit and set up their business in the desired province, and as a result, receive Canadian permanent residence. In this method, the applicant must first select the desired province and prepare the necessary documents to participate in this program. After submitting the application, the applicant receives his work visa to start his business and obtain his permanent residency. This program is faster than other Canadian immigration programs and requires a lower language score, and the applicant can start his business in one of the most stable economies in the world.

Table of Contents

1- Conditions of entrepreneurship in Canada
Table Header Table Header
Sufficient capital
From 100 thousand to 600 thousand dollars depending on the selected province
Setting a business
Necessary skill for business development and economic development
Management work experience
At least 3 years of work experience in the last 5 years

The score of the applicants for this program is checked in the Express Entry system, which was previously explained in the Canadian Skilled Worker article.


The required documents for this method are:



  • Identity documents
  • Result of the language test (CLB 7 for management jobs and CLB 5 for technical jobs)
  • Degree (optional)
  • Clearances
  • Medical exam
  • Job offer (optional)
3- Which provinces have an entrepreneurship program

The entrepreneurship program of different provinces has slight differences in the minimum required investment and other conditions depending on the conditions and economic needs of the region.

New Brunswick Entrepreneurship Program
Minimum investment amount
150 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
500 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
The age of the investor
21-59 years old
Other points
Your business must create at least 1 job for 1 Canadian citizen or resident.
British Columbia Entrepreneurship Program- main program
Minimum investment amount
200 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
600 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
Other points
British Columbia Entrepreneurship Program - Pilot program
Minimum investment amount
500 thousand Canadian dollars
Other points
Your business must create at least 1 job in the area. You should take an exploratory trip to the area
British Columbia Entrepreneurship Program - Strategic Projects
Minimum investment amount
200 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
600 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
Other points
You must own a company with a high turnover in your country.
Alberta Entrepreneurship Program - Foreign Graduates
Minimum investment amount
100 thousand Canadian dollars
Education Degree
At least post-diploma
Language Certificate
work Experience
At least 6 months of managerial work experience
Alberta Entrepreneurship Program – Agriculture
Minimum investment amount
500 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
500 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
No language certificate required
work experience
Having work experience in the field of agricultural management
Alberta Entrepreneurship Program - Rural Areas
Minimum investment amount
250 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
300 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
degree of education
At least a diploma
work experience
At least 3 years of management experience
Other points
Your business must create at least 1 job in the area.
Alberta Entrepreneurship Program - Alberta Graduates
education degree
At least two years of university education in Alberta
Language Certificate
Prince Edward Island Entrepreneurship Program
Minimum investment amount
150 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
600 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
education degree
At least a diploma
The age of the investor
21-59 years old
work experience
Having management work experience
Ontario Entrepreneurship Program - Ontario cities other than Toronto
Minimum investment amount
200 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
400 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
work experience
At least 2 years of managerial experience
Ontario Entrepreneurship Program - City of Toronto
Minimum investment amount
600 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
800 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
work experience
At least 2 years of managerial experience

*: Businesses related to digital information and communication technology (ICT) regardless of the city of investment in Ontario, it is enough to invest at least 200 thousand Canadian dollars in any of the cities of Ontario. Also, the investors of this plan must have at least 400,000 Canadian dollars in assets.

Nova Scotia Entrepreneurship Program
Minimum investment amount
150 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
600 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
education degree
At least a diploma
The age of the investor
At least 21
work experience
3 years of managerial work experience in the last 5 years
Quebec Entrepreneurship Program
Minimum investment amount in Montreal
300 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum investment amount of cities except Montreal
200 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
900 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
It is not required, but it is a privilege.

Quebec’s entrepreneurship program is a point-based program in which the investor, in addition to presenting a business plan for his business, must also succeed in receiving the necessary points (41 points for group 1 and 81 points for group 2) based on the established criteria. slow The details of this program are given in the types of Quebec entrepreneurship programs, but its general conditions are in accordance with the table below.

Saskatchewan Entrepreneurship Program
Minimum investment amount
200 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum investment amount
300,000 Canadian dollars for the cities of Regina or Saskatoon
Minimum property of the investor
400 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
work history
At least 3 years of entrepreneurial experience in the last 10 years
Other points
Your business must create at least 2 jobs in the area.
Manitoba Entrepreneurship Program
Minimum investment amount in Winnipeg
250 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum investment amount outside of Winnipeg
150 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
400 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
degree of education
At least a diploma
work experience
At least 3 years of managerial experience in the last 5 years
Newfoundland and Labrador Entrepreneurship Program
Minimum investment amount
200 thousand Canadian dollars
Minimum property of the investor
600 thousand Canadian dollars
Language Certificate
degree of education
At least a diploma
work experience
At least 3 years of management experience
The age of the investor
21-59 years old
Other points
Your business must create at least 1 job in the area.
Comparison of capital required for entrepreneurship program in different provinces
Program name Minimum amount required for investment (Canadian dollars)
New Brunswick Entrepreneurship
British Columbia Entrepreneurship
Main program: 200 thousand
Pilot plan: 100 thousand
Strategic projects: 500 thousand
Entrepreneurship Alberta
Special entrepreneurship for
foreign graduates:
100 thousand
Alberta agricultural entrepreneurship:
500 thousand
Alberta rural entrepreneurship:
200 thousand
Alberta Alumni Entrepreneurship:
The investment amount has not been determined
Entrepreneurship of Prince Edward
Entrepreneurship Ontario
Running a business in Toronto:
Running a business outside of Toronto:
Entrepreneurship Nova Scotia
Quebec entrepreneurship
Running a business in Montreal:
300 thousand
Running a business outside of Montreal:
200 thousand
trepreneurship Manitoba
Running a business in Winnipeg: 250 thousand
Running a business outside of Winnipeg: 150,000
Saskatchewan Entrepreneurship
Running a business in the cities of Regina or Saskatoon: 300 thousand
Business implementation in other areas of Saskatchewan province: 200 thousand
Newfoundland and Labrador Entrepreneurship
4- Which businesses can be set up in Canada

There is no limit to setting up a business in Canada, and the applicant can either purchase a ready-made Canadian business or start a new business. Oil and gas industry, real estate and pharmaceutical industry are the most profitable industries in this country, followed by engineering services.

You can read the details of buying a Canadian business in this article.